Five Reasons to Always Use a Shower Filter

Here is the 5 reason to always use a Cleansui shower filter

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Ah, there is nothing more satisfying than that early morning shower. But wait, hot water is only part of the equation in terms of making your morning shower a relaxing and pleasurable experience. You also need to use a shower filter head!

Why do you need to use a shower filter head?

Well, there are five main reasons why your shower faucet needs a filter head:

  • First is, 

Shower filter to remove impurities - yes, water does contain contaminants. Some of these are chlorine, fluoride, and hard metals, among other elements. Your body will absorb these impurities through the pores on your skin when you take a shower. You will thus poison yourself with dangerous substances if you don't use a shower filter head!

  • Second, shower filter heads remove pollutants - did you know that you're filling every room of your house with dangerous chemicals and pollutants whenever you take a shower? Well, a shower water filter head will remove these chemicals and pollutants before it releases the water.
  • The chemicals in tap water can irritate your skin - yes, tap water does contain many harmful and dangerous chemicals. But, hey, why do you think that bottled and filtered water is so famous for drinking now? In any case, these chemicals can cause skin issues. They can also make existing skin issues like psoriasis and eczema worse. You need to use a shower filter because it effectively removes these chemicals before the shower water hits your body!
  • Did you know that shower water can cause cancer? - hey, wait! How is that possible? Shower water contains many chemicals designed to kill microbes and pathogens like listeria that can make you very ill or even kill you. The trouble is that these chemicals are potent. They can build up on your skin over time and cause you to develop cancer. Well, water filters are very effective at removing these chemicals.
  • Chloramine is present in the water - so what's the big deal about a chemical being present in water? Well, it's a big deal if it's a dangerous chemical that can damage the skin and lungs over time. Chloramine can also cause severe breathing and skin issues. Many of these can be life-threatening. So if you guessed that a shower water filter removes chloramine from shower water before it hits your skin, you're right!

You're risking your health if you shower without using a water filter.Unfiltered shower water has many chemicals that can be deadly if they come into contact with your skin. The shower water filter removes these chemicals. So using a shower filter improves your overall health and may even add many years of quality life to your lifespan!

Cleansui Uae,

1st floor, Union Coop - Al Warqa City Mall - Tripoli Rd, Al Warqa 3, Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
